Before I became a Yoga teacher, I was fully indulged in the gym, from weight training to HIIT workouts, turning a blind eye to the importance of flexibility and mobility within my training regime, which led to an injury. I was advised by my doctor to start Yoga solely for the physical side of the practise, not the mental. I picked up many techniques to incorporate flexibility and mobility from Yoga into my new training programme. I then found that I had better alignment in my squat or deadlift. I had the ability to go full range in motion with most exercises and most importantly I recovered quickly due to working on both practises.

This is why I have created this course for you, whether you are a gym bunny or Yogi, this is for you. Beginner or advanced, this is also for you!

The classes will be based on incorporating Yoga for your flexibility and mobility, as I believe that moving with intention, breath and mindset, you can achieve the mental and physical goals you set yourself.

What's included?
Two 1hr classes per week (8 in total)
Full lifetime access to class recordings
Weekly check ins with Phoebe 

Course Outline
Yoga for Flexibility & Mobility

Week 1
1. Intro Flexibility vs Mobility +
Active Hamstring Focused Yoga Practise 
2. Mobile Leg/Lower Body Yoga Practise

Week 2
3. Active Groin & Hips Yoga Practise
4. Mobile Groin & Hips Yoga Practise

Week 3
5. Active Spine & Chest Yoga Practise 
6. Mobile Spine & Chest Yoga Practise

Week 4
7. Upper Body Active & Mobile Yoga Practise
8. Flexibility & Mobility Yoga Practise 


PayPal (family & friends) click the 'BUY NOW' button and leave your email in the comments and you will be added to the google drive file where you can access the classes.

or if you would prefer to bank transfer please email soulbodyretreats@outlook.com


“Phoebe’s flexibility and mobility course was absolutely brilliant. Each session was planned thoughtfully, variations given for different skill levels, and easy to follow. She also gave us access to class recordings so that we could catchup on missed sessions. She paid attention to every detail, including music which made this a course of extremely high quality and good value. I’ve booked onto her Greece retreat and cannot wait to be able to practice with the soul body queen in person! Thanks P xxx”

— Rhea

“Thank you phoebe for such a beautiful and full yoga experience! Loved it! Put me in such a good place physically and spiritually. Happy that I got to spend the start of the year in that way, feeling inspired and so strong!!!”

— Yazmin